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The Covenant Cast

Dec 21, 2018

We look back fondly on 2018: our first trip to GAMA, how X-Wing Second Edition and Warhammer: Champions emerged digitally, and how KeyForge and the Transformers TCG shook up the card game model!

If you have any questions for us, leave us a comment with #askcovenant on FacebookInstagramTwitter, or Youtube. You can...

Dec 14, 2018

Zach and Robert break down the Magic TCG model and throw in some vehicle analogies. Plus a glimpse at collecting habits, how a cash tournament affects game growth, and KeyForge! 

If you have any questions for us, leave us a comment with #askcovenant on FacebookInstagramTwitter, or Youtube. You can find video...

Dec 7, 2018

We dive deeper into the Unique Game mystique.
Zach feels the Star Wars: Destiny hype, recaps the meta, and plays Trilogies format. Steven throws axes and dreams of a unique version of Netrunner.

If you have any questions for us, leave us a comment with #askcovenant on FacebookInstagramTwitter, or Youtube. You can...

Nov 30, 2018

We are often asked our advice about getting more people into a particular game. In this episode of the Covenant Cast we breakdown our experience with gaming communities and stores, plus answer community building questions from viewers! 

If you have any questions for us, leave us a comment with #askcovenant on Facebook

Nov 16, 2018

 Zach and Steven open a number of KeyForge decks and discuss how they evaluate each Archon, as well as their general thoughts about the launch of the game - all while interacting with a live audience!

If you have any questions for us, leave us a comment with #askcovenant on FacebookInstagramTwitter, or Youtube. You...