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The Covenant Cast

Sep 28, 2018

 Zach and Steven announce the winners of the Warhammer Champions, KeyForge, and X-Wing subscribers giveaway, discuss the Transformers release, and dive into recent news - including Magic's decision to distribute directly through Amazon.

If you have any questions for us, leave us a comment with #askcovenant on Facebook

Sep 21, 2018

 Zach and Steven announce the Great Subscriber Giveaway for X-Wing, KeyForge, and Warhammer Champions, discuss Zach's recent trip to Europe, and run down the latest news - including the launch of X-Wing Second Edition and the drama therein.

If you have any questions for us, leave us a comment with #askcovenant on 

Sep 7, 2018

 Steven and Jonathon discuss KeyForge, Warhammer Champions, Netrunner's upcoming Magnum Opus event and answer questions from listeners about X-Wing tokens, kickstarters stretch goals and trading unique decks!

If you have any questions for us, leave us a comment with #askcovenant on FacebookInstagramTwitter, or