Apr 28, 2017
Board games are meant to be a source of enjoyment right? We delve into what aspects of games take us out of the experience, and what it means to just have a fun time. Robert finds a nice spot for brunch. Steven discusses his concert experience with The Flaming Lips. And we briefly go over our Reddit AMA.
Apr 21, 2017
We dissect the newest living card game, Legend of the Five Rings, and voice our predictions for its success or failure. Zach shares his experiences at Star Wars Celebration and the Coruscant Open, and everyone suggests potential "gateways" into non-Euro games.
Legend of the Five Rings announcement...
Apr 14, 2017
Events are the lifeblood of tabletop gaming, with local and worldwide communities gathering to share memorable experiences face to face. But attending these events, especially for the first time, can be intimidating, exhausting, or downright confusing. Join us for a plethora of tips learned over the past decade that...
Apr 7, 2017
Zach, Steven, and Jonathan remember their week of movies and pre-releases. The purpose and practicality of dice in tabletop are dissected. And Jonathan shares his experience on what it takes to be a good Game Master.
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