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The Covenant Cast

Mar 30, 2018

 Zach, Steven, and Jonathan share their stories from Adepticon 2018, including new games demoed and old friends reunited! Also, a tangential conversation about tabletop retail...

 If you have any questions for us, leave us a comment with #askcovenant on FacebookInstagramTwitter, or Youtube. You can find video...

Mar 23, 2018

Live from Adepticon 2018, special guest and designer for Steamforged Games DC (David Carl) joins Zach and Steven to discuss Godtear, a fascinating new miniatures game going to Kickstarter in April. Join us for a deep dive into the intricacies of game design, crowdfunding, and whether or not dice should have blank...

Mar 16, 2018

 Zach, Steven, Patrick Day (Uncle's Games), and Travis Severance (Millennium Games) discuss the challenges of local retail and the future of tabletop store models - straight from a hotel room at GAMA 2018.

 If you have any questions for us, leave us a comment with #askcovenant on FacebookInstagramTwitter, or 

Mar 9, 2018

Zach, Robert, and Steven celebrate a year on the air and try to clear out the queue of questions built up over previous podcasts! Steven has a birthday. Robert watches British repo drama. Zach bids farewell to Star Wars Rebels. 

 If you have any questions for us, leave us a comment with #askcovenant on Facebook

Mar 2, 2018

 Steven, Jonathan, and Robert discuss their recent dive back into Dungeons and Dragons after a long hiatus, remembering past editions and sharing their thoughts on 5th. Steven buys furniture. Jonathan plays Godtear. Robert adds a dash of bitters.

If you have any questions for us, leave us a comment with #askcovenant on