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The Covenant Cast

May 25, 2018

 Steven and Jonathan keep exploring the new podcast format with audience answers about event attendance, a roundup of news from CMON to FFG, and a number of #askcovenant questions from Godtear to Arkham.

  If you have any questions for us, leave us a comment with #askcovenant on FacebookInstagramTwitter, or 

May 18, 2018

 Zach and Steven explore a slightly different format, with news upfront and a focus on audience questions; the price point for Covenant Masters, X-Wing's design change and its impact on other FFG games, competitive and cooperative store environments, and Saga Set production. Steven watches Eurovision. Zach spends time...

May 11, 2018

 Zach, Steven, and Jonathan do a quick recap of Star Wars Worlds and give their personal thoughts on the X-Wing Second Edition announcement. Also, questions! Jonathan gets a dog. Steven sails.

 If you have any questions for us, leave us a comment with #askcovenant on FacebookInstagramTwitter, or Youtube. You can...

May 2, 2018

 Zach sits down with designers Frank Brooks, Alex Davy, and Max Brooke for a more personal look at the journey that led to X-Wing Second Edition. 

 If you have any questions for us, leave us a comment with #askcovenant on FacebookInstagramTwitter, or Youtube. You can find video versions of these podcasts on the...