Nov 22, 2020
James White started Legend Story Studios to launch the Flesh and Blood TCG in 2019, after over seven years of development. But like so many publishers, 2020 became a crucible of determination and adaptation. Surprisingly, though, the game is now growing by leaps and bounds - and according to James, the next set,...
Nov 17, 2020
Last week's Ashes stream was filled with an excitement that is familiar to most of us - the moment when you see behind the curtain, when your understanding of a game is catapulted into new territory that reveals previously unknown possibilities. The best games find ways to create those moments over, and over, and...
Nov 10, 2020
We've seen so many card games come and go over the years - but
we've never seen an explosion quite like Flesh and Blood over this
past month. New partnerships, $1,000 boxes, a thriving singles
market, and a migration of disenchanted Magic players - join us as
we ask the never-ending question: is this the next one?
Nov 2, 2020
Eric Lang, designer or co-designer of - Game of Thrones LCG, Call of Cthulu LCG, Warhammer: Invasion, Star Wars LCG, Conquest LCG, Dice Masters, Arcadia Quest, Blood Rage, Rising Sun, Ankh, Song of Ice & Fire Miniatures, Bloodborne, Ankh, Marvel United, and more - sits down with us for an exceedingly insightful 90...