May 20, 2022
How many metagames have been ruined
by a deck that just simply says "no" to whatever you want to do?
And yet how many of your friends absolutely love playing said
decks? Denial mechanics might be the most difficult game design
needle to thread.
That's why we've brought in Nick Conley (Ashes Reborn) to unpack
the ins...
May 11, 2022
A simple act - replaying a card or two from your discard pile - has been the bane of countless metagames. Does such a seemingly innocent mechanic really cause problems? Should designers stay away from the idea of recursion entirely?
Join us as we catch up with the King of Recursion, Lukas Litzsinger (Netrunner, Star...
May 6, 2022
Should cards ever be limited to "1 per deck", especially as a
balancing mechanic? Can strong cards exist if they are drawn less
often? Can the variance of rare cards be fun for all players?
Join us for a phenomenal conversation with MJ Newman (Arkham Horror
LCG, Marvel Champions) about the merits of "limit 1" in...