Nov 23, 2019
Right from Covenant Tulsa, where Michael Boggs is attending our
Marvel Champions Celebration Weekend event, we take a moment to
chat about his journey from South Korea, to Netrunner, to being on
the design team of arguably the biggest title of the year - the
Marvel Champions LCG.
Find all previous casts, as well as...
Nov 15, 2019
Marvel Champions, Crisis Protocol, and KeyForge point to an
underlying evolution in product development and distribution.
Champions shows a new way for LCGs, Crisis Protocol breaks out of
complexity and faction-specificity, and KeyForge shows a long tail
on unique games.
Find all previous casts, as well as learning...
Nov 8, 2019
KeyForge sees its third set, Worlds Collide, this weekend, and we reflect on the journey from Call of the Archons, through Age of Ascension, to Worlds Collide - in the context of KeyForge occupying a very special place in the hobby. With FFG providing a solid foundation for design and OP, and continuing to build it in...
Nov 1, 2019
Today is the official release date for the Marvel Champions Living Card Game, and we take a moment to soak it all up, discussing the strategy guide, unexpected favorite decks, Cosmic Tokens, and Champions Weekend.
Find all previous casts, as well as learning content and products on our website: