Jun 28, 2017
Jonathan, Zach, and Steven recall their favorite moments from conventions, going all the way back to childhood! Jonathan looks to homestead. Zach plays X-Wing. Steven might be a vegan.
If you have any questions for us, leave us a comment with #askcovenant on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or Youtube.You can find video...
Jun 23, 2017
Steven, Zach, and Jonathan explore the power of theme in a game, especially as compared to games like Dominos or Poker. What are the risks, and what are the rewards? Jonathan reads War of Art, Steven worries about Netrunner, and everyone discusses Father's Day.
If you have any questions for us, leave us a comment...
Jun 16, 2017
Jonathan, Steven, and Zach investigate the time-honored archetypes of Johnny, Timmy, and Spike, but then drift from “how” players approach a game to “why”. Do “why” archetypes exist, and if so, are they more useful? Steven and Jonathan go to a wedding. Zach keeps playing Destiny.
If you have any questions...
Jun 9, 2017
Jun 2, 2017
Zach, Robert, and Steven ask the real question that swirled around the last episode: how long can a living card game even last? Assumptions are challenged and solutions are proposed. Robert keeps talking about Caipirinhas. Steven watches Interstellar. Zach attends Destiny Weekend.
If you have any questions for us, leave...